(Vishnu pictured here)
These four armed gods would serve as a really wonderful prompt for kids in a project that would challenge them to problem solve their way through a picture of someone doing many different things at once. Initiate a discussion with “when was the last time you did more than one thing at the same time?’ and ask children to show where/how their arms were positioned in the moments they describe. Tell them that Vishnu had four arms because he had so many important things to do (tell the stories of the various objects and their purpose), and Sariswati had four arms so she could hold all of her favorite things. Ask children to consider what they would do and/or hold onto if they had four arms.Materials and project suggestions: Children can make paintings or drawings of someone with four arms doing many things at once, or holding on to four favorite things. It would look great if drawn on blue paper, cut out, and glued onto a different color background (or cut from white paper, and glued onto blue). Colorful details can be added to marker outlines with paint and detail brushes or oil pastels.